Comprehensive, Easy-to-Use Computer Science Curriculum for Elementary

CodeHS Elementary provides vertically aligned courses for a K-12 pathway & a platform equipped with fully-prepared lessons and intuitive tools for teachers

Read Write Code


Elementary Platform

CodeHS Elementary lessons are fully prepared & ready for teachers to implement. The elementary platform is built to make CS instruction easy and effective for both experienced computer science teachers and instructors just learning to teach CS.

Ready-to-Go Lessons

Elementary lessons are comprehensive and ready for teachers to use instantly. Lessons include student-facing videos that guide instruction with discussion questions, interactive activities, and guided practice. Detailed lesson plans are also provided with prerequisites, required materials, vocabulary, extensions, rubrics, and lesson pacing. Through these lessons, students create digital stories, games, tools, and scientific models while learning the basics of programming.

Scratch on CodeHS

The CodeHS elementary platform contains lessons embedded with Scratch, a web-based block programming environment. Students can login to CodeHS, complete lessons using Scratch within the CodeHS platform, and automatically save their work. This curriculum works seamlessly on iPads and Chromebooks — no downloads required!

Simple Course Management Tools

Seamlessly manage courses with class rosters, assignment access controls, login options such as picture passwords for students, and more! Easily view student assignment progress and track which students need extensions or additional support.

Learn more about the suite of elementary platform tools here.

A Course Catalog for a Vertically-Aligned Pathway

CodeHS elementary curriculum provides vertically-aligned lessons to unify a K-12 computer science pathway at any district. Courses are aligned to state and national standards and are also available in Spanish. There are two options for course pathways- the Interdisciplinary CS Pathway and the Computer Science Pathway.

Interdisciplinary CS Pathway

Interdisciplinary courses are lessons that can be integrated into other subject areas throughout the school day. Lessons include topics in ELA, math, science, and social studies.

Computer Science Pathway

Computer Science courses are designed for dedicated computer science or technology instructional time or class periods. Digital literacy, coding lessons and projects, and seasonal projects are all included.

View the Elementary Course Catalog here.

Are you a district administrator? Contact us today for a free consultation on how to align elementary to your existing computer science pathway.




Comprehensive platform for teaching computer science in schools. CodeHS provides curriculum, professional development, teacher tools & resources. #ReadWriteCode