CodeHS Pro License Scholarship Available for Indiana Teachers
In partnership with the Indiana Department of Education, CodeHS is offering a CodeHS Pro scholarship to all K-12 Indiana teachers who are first-time CodeHS customers.

CodeHS is excited to announce our continued partnership with the Indiana Department of Education. Indiana teachers who are also first-time CodeHS users have the opportunity to receive a CodeHS Pro license during the 2023-2024 school year.
To qualify, Indiana teachers must attend a professional development event. They can choose between month-long coding bootcamps, 1-day PD workshops, Praxis prep computer science course, and several self-paced online courses. Upcoming Indiana PD events can be found at
We are excited that our continued partnership with the Indiana Department of Education can open up doors for K-12 elementary, middle, and high school teachers in Indiana, and are grateful for every teacher who has already completed professional development through this partnership.
“It was most helpful to share ideas with others and hear about ways to build student recruitment in our programs.” — Carissa Domrase, HS teacher at Franklin Central High School who attended the Indiana Building a CS Program Summit
Teachers who have already completed a professional development opportunity are welcome to join for another event they have not taken previously. Below is the full schedule of upcoming 2024 events.
2024 PD Schedule for Indiana Teachers
2-Hour Virtual PD Workshops
- January 17th, 5–7pmET — Teaching Lower Elementary CS Workshop
- January 24th, 5–7pm ET — Teaching Upper Elementary CS Workshop
- January 31st, 5–7pm ET — Teaching Middle School Computer Science
- February 7th, 5–7pm ET — Teaching Indiana Principles of Computing
- February 8th, 5–7pm ET — Artificial Intelligence Workshop
- February 12th, 5–7pm ET — Building a CS Program at Your School Workshop
Virtual PD Bootcamps
- February 13th — March 5th, 4–5pm ET — Elementary CS Bootcamp
- February 15th — March 7th, 4–5pm ET — Middle School CS Bootcamp
- March 14th — April 4th, 4–5pm ET — Python Pathway Bootcamp
- March 12th — April 2nd, 4–5pm ET — Cybersecurity Bootcamp
- March 6th — March 27th, 4–5pm ET — Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp
Virtual Praxis CS Prep Course
- February 7th — May 31st — Praxis Prep, Winter 2024 Cohort
Self-Paced Online Courses
- Computer Science MS/HS Teaching Methods Online Course
- Computer Science Elementary Teaching Methods Online Course
- CodeHS Mini Online PD Courses (included in a CodeHS PD Membership)
“It was all so well organized. It helped me to have two instructors who could take turns teaching and moderating the chat. I liked being able to be the “student” to try it out myself.” — Heather Clarkson, MS/HS teacher at Griffith Jr/Sr High who attended a Teaching Indiana Principles of Computing workshop
CodeHS can’t wait to continue supporting Indiana educators in 2024, and we look forward to fostering computer science education in classrooms across the state. Teachers can register here today, or for more information, visit
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